
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.


  1. JFR, T. Machon, and T. Speck, "Universal limiting behaviour of reaction-diffusion systems with conservation laws", arXiv: 2406.02409. Link

  2. R. Bebon, JFR, and T. Speck, "Thermodynamics of active matter: tracking dissipation across scales", arXiv: 2401.02252. Link

  3. JFR, P. B. Warren, M. R. Turner, and R. P. Sear, "Inertial dynamical transitions drive particle capture and filtration", arXiv: 2310.03474. Link


  1. A. Haddrell, H. Oswin, M. Otero-Fernandez, JFR, T. Cogan, R. Alexander, J. F. S. Mann, D. Hill, A. Finn, A. D. Davidson, and J. P. Reid, "Ambient carbon dioxide concentration correlates with SARS-CoV-2 aerostability and infection risk", Nat. Comm. 15, 3487 (2024). Reported by 45 news outlets worldwide so far, including the Hungarian edition of National Geographic. Link

  2. D. A. Hardy, JFR, T. G. Hilditch, E. Neal, P. Lemaitre, J. S. Walker, and J. P. Reid, "Accurate Measurements and Simulations of the Evaporation and Trajectories of Individual Solution Droplets", J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 3416-3430 (2023). Link

  3. I. Rios de Anda, J. W. Wilkins, JFR, C. P. Royall, and R. P. Sear, "Modeling the filtration efficiency of a woven fabric: the role of multiple lengthscales", Physics of Fluids 34, 033301 (2022). Featured on front page of journal, and reported by 79 news outlets worldwide. JFR was interviewed in the British national press. Link

  4. C. Luo, JFR, I. Pihlajamaa, V. E. Debets, C. P. Royall, and L. M. C. Janssen, "Many-body correlations are non-negligible in both fragile and strong glassformers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 145501 (2022). Link

  5. JFR, I. Rios de Anda, F. J. Moore, F. K. A. Gregson, J. P. Reid, L. Husain, R. P. Sear and C. P. Royall, "How effective are face coverings in reducing transmission of COVID-19?", Aerosol Science and Technology 56, 473-487 (2022). Link

  6. JFR, I. Rios de Anda, F. J. Moore, J. P. Reid, R. P. Sear, and C. P. Royall, "Efficacy of face coverings in reducing transmission of COVID-19: calculations based on models of droplet capture", Physics of Fluids 33, 043112 (2021). Link

  7. JFR, F. K. A. Gregson, R. E. H. Miles, J. P. Reid, and C. P. Royall, "Drying kinetics and nucleation in drying sodium nitrate aerosols", J. Chem. Phys. 152, 074503 (2020). Link

  8. F. K. A. Gregson, JFR, R. E. H. Miles, C. P. Royall, and J. P. Reid, "Drying and crystallization of evaporating sodium nitrate aerosol droplets", J. Phys. Chem. B 124, 6024-6036 (2020). Link

  9. JFR, F. Turci, R. Roth, and C. P. Royall, "Morphometric approach to many-body correlations in hard spheres", Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 068004 (2019). Editors' selection with viewpoint: Speck, T, "A theory to tackle supercooling", Physics 12, 15 (2019). Link

  10. JFR, R. Roth, and C. P. Royall, "Morphological thermodynamics for hard bodies from a controlled expansion", Phil. Mag. 100, 2614-2635 (2019). Link

  11. JFR, F. Turci, R. Roth, and C. P. Royall, "Many-body correlations from integral geometry", Phys. Rev. E 100, 062126 (2019). Link

  12. F. K. A. Gregson, JFR, R. E. H. Miles, C. P. Royall, and J. P. Reid, "Drying kinetics of salt solution droplets: water evaporation rates and crystallization", J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 266-276 (2019). Link

  13. C. P. Royall, F. Turci, S. Tatsumi, J. Russo, and JFR, "The race to the bottom: approaching the ideal glass?", J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 30, 363001 (2018). Link

  14. JFR, M. J. Godfrey, and M. A. Moore, "Glasslike behavior of a hard-disk fluid confined to a narrow channel", Phys. Rev. E 93, 032101 (2016). Link